About Happy Investors
Pleased to meet you! Happy Investors is founded by a Dutch entrepreneur named Jorik Vermeulen, Msc. At this website, we share our ideas about long-term investing to our global audience. On his 23rd birthday, Jorik decided to become financially independent. The reason: freedom of choice. Financial freedom gives you the luxury to decide what you want to do. Control over your own life. And, before he was 30 he achieved financial freedom. Now he helps motivated people on their way to financial freedom. And more.
The true essence of Happy Investors is a happier life. We believe in the right balance between pleasure, fulfillment, love, money and freedom. We also stand for sustainability, both in sustainable financial success and in contributing to a cleaner world.
For us, striving for financial freedom is the first step that makes everything easier. Also, literally anyone can become financially independent. Up to a certain point, money is necessary. From that point on, it gives you freedom of choice. With Happy Investors, we educate about long-term investing to become financially free. The goal is not to become a millionaire (although you will learn how). The goal is to get a happier life where you are financially independent.
What would you do if you were financially independent? Enjoy life? Help people/animals? You decide!
Start your journey to financial independence today.