Earn More Money by Investing in Yourself: 5 ways to succeed

Dear Happy Investor, do you want to earn more money? In essence, you have two options: you can either save more money or earn more. Saving money is effective, especially in the short term. But it can only be done up to a certain level because you will continue to have basic needs. Also, saving money continuously can have an limitating impact on your life. Therefore, it is more sustainable to focus on earning more money. A very effective way is to earn more money by investing in yourself.

Investing in yourself is one of the best ways to make more money. It will give you many benefits, like more knowledge, more energy, and even more happiness.

5 ways of investing in yourself and earn more money

  1. Make promotions by investing in yourself, because knowledge is power
  2. Invest in yourself: become an expert and start earning more money that way
  3. Invest in yourself: become an entrepreneur, set your own hourly wage and make more money
  4. Invest in yourself by understanding how to make money work for you, and do something with it!
  5. Invest in your health and stay fit!

5 ways of investing in yourself and earn more money

Below you will read five ways to make more money by investing in yourself. These are:

  1. Promotion through knowledge
  2. Become an expert
  3. Be an entrepreneur
  4. Let money work for you!
  5. Vitality

In this article, I will explain these 5 ways. Especially number 4 is essential for earning more money while you have to work less. Letting money work for you is the best way to achieve passive income. I will help you understand how.

1. Make promotions by investing in yourself, because knowledge is power

If you invest in yourself, you will gain many benefits including making more promotions. After all, promotion is a result of the commitment and delivering value. Those who invest in themselves simply have a greater chance of adding more value to a company.

For example, you can take courses on your own, or if you’re lucky you can do so through the company. If your employer has a budget for courses, use this precious gift. Because you’ll get a free course, and you also stand out positively by your supervisor because you want to invest in yourself. Every company desires more employees who are willing to invest in themselves.

Also, keep investing in yourself by learning. It is often said that knowledge is power. Those with knowledge can make themselves valuable to others. And if you help others, then you will receive a reward for this. Sometimes it’s gratitude, other times it’s a financial boost thanks to a nice promotion.

Good ways to invest in yourself by gaining knowledge include:

  1. Read management or other knowledge books – the important thing is to keep reading as much as possible. The more you learn from different perspectives, the better. Remember that basically, every book is a mentor, with many years of experience to learn from. Having great mentorship for personal development is crucial for success!
  2. Take a course. There are (free) courses available everywhere these days from, for example, sales & marketing, management and leadership to self-medication and mindfulness.
  3. Learn how to work more effectively. Those who work more effectively are more successful in their careers, which means you will make more money. One classic book is ‘the 7 habits of highly effective people’
  4. Find more depth in your relationships. It’s better to have everlasting relationships with a few people than bad relationships with a lot of people. Invest in yourself by building deep, meaningful relationships.

Let Money Work for You! Starting on the best investment platforms is half the battle

Are you still working hard for your money? Why don’t you consider letting the money work for you! Create passive income and attain financial freedom. Starting on the best investment platforms is half the battle. Do you want to know what the very best investment platforms are? Then click on the blue link to compare the best investment platforms now. Here you can read my independent comparison of the best online brokers for stocks, crypto, and P2P. Save money and choose the best investment platform!

2. Invest in yourself: become an expert and start earning more money that way

Experts make more money than generalists. Experts are individuals who have an enormous amount of in-depth knowledge. And that is extremely valuable to companies with a need for expertise.

Although being an expert limits your areas of knowledge, it certainly doesn’t limit your opportunities. For example, as an expert you can work in either salaried employment, as a self-employed person, or as an entrepreneur (e.g. online consultancy firm).

By investing in yourself, you too can become an expert. There is a well-known saying that if you spend at least one hour per day reading and gathering knowledge within one domain, after 10 years you will be a world-class expert. What you do need for this is a strong focus in a knowledge area that remains relevant or becomes more relevant. Today that would be, for example, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence (AI), and blockchain.

If you want to make more money you can become an expert in one relevant field by continuing to invest in yourself consistently.

3. Invest in yourself: become an entrepreneur, set your own hourly wage, and make more money

Another option to make more money by investing in yourself is through entrepreneurship. Becoming an entrepreneur definitely requires an investment in yourself. Especially in the beginning, when you start your business. Because as a starting entrepreneur you will need to acquire knowledge and skills in many areas. Think of accounting, sales, purchasing, and maybe even ICT & programming when you start an online business. Of course, there is also the option as an entrepreneur to focus entirely on your qualities, and outsource everything else. But that is a luxury position that you will certainly not experience at the beginning of your business. And besides, outsourcing also has disadvantages.

Being an entrepreneur means taking risks and working very hard. But it also has major advantages. One of those advantages is the freedom to work on your own dream (passion). Another great advantage is that you can set your own salary. As an entrepreneur, you do well when you can make maximum revenue in as little time as possible. For example, automating business processes would be a good aim, allowing you to make more money by converting your business into passive income.

In this article, you will learn about 7 ideas for passive income that actually work.

Commission-free Crypto and FOREX Trading with NAGA

Do you want to trade Bitcoin and crypto? NAGA is one of the biggest all-in-one crypto brokers where you can buy crypto 100% commission-free. You can also use the AutoCopy to copy the Top Traders of NAGA. In fact, you can even become a Top Trader yourself and earn up to 10.000 dollars a month if you are really good at it. Anyway, this broker is perfect for anyone who wants to trade crypto 100% commission-free. You can set up an account for free and try it out.

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4. Invest in yourself by understanding how to make money work for you, and do something with it!

If you want to earn a lot more money, you’ll have to be smart about it. The best way to become rich is by letting money work for you. This can go on 24/7, while you can relax and enjoy.

It is easy to get started with this. Yet, it is very important to understand how you can invest money properly. If you don’t understand this, then you are more likely to make mistakes. My advice is to start reading about investing and how money works. For example, the book ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad’ is one of the best books for understanding the basics of how to make money work for you.

Owning a house is not an investment, because it only costs money. An investment is if you put money in, and you will get more money out of it.

Let money work for you by investing it. This can be done by investing in stocks, real estate, P2P, and so on. For example, you may want to start with investing in lower-risk investments such as Exchange-Traded Funds or Real Estate Funds.

In time, you will become more experienced. When you become a more senior investor, you will understand how to make significant returns with stock investing. Trust me, this is the best way to financial freedom.

Happy Investors Recommendation: Higher Return and Lower Risk? Tip: Asymmetrical Investing!

What if you could get higher stock returns while having less risk. Sounds too good to be true? It’s not if you know how to start with asymmetric investing. These are investments where the potential gain is greater than the potential loss. The only way for asymmetric investing is if you have a lot of knowledge and experience. This is for advanced professionals and is also used in the largest mutual funds with a minimum deposit of millions.

I’m not an expert in asymmetric investing, but I do know a very good party named Capitalist Exploits which I highly recommend. I’ve joined their Membership one year ago and it brings a lot of value for unique investment opportunities with commodities. I’m talking about +300% gains on Uranium, Copper, Agriculture, and 60+ buying opportunities. The Membership brought me a significant return on investment! These are true professionals. In addition, they also have a free newsletter where they share masterful tips and research on asymmetric investing with us once a week.

Want more information? read my full Capitalist Exploits Review and Experiences

5. Invest in your health and stay fit!

Lastly, it is very important to invest in your own health. A fit body provides more energy. Better health makes you more vital. Vitality is important because earning more money is like a marathon rather than a sprint. And to keep up the long road of working hard and investing in yourself, a healthy and fit body will serve you well.

I’ve made it a habit to make my body and health a priority. For example, I eat healthy food and I get up early in the morning to work out for at least twenty minutes. So I start the day with my priority. This way I wake up with more energy, ready to achieve my goals.

I do realize that this can be difficult if you are not used to this. Therefore, make sure you go to sleep early so you wake up more rested. Build up slowly. Start by putting on your sports clothes. Just as long as necessary before you can motivate yourself to actually start exercising. And finally, keep doing this in a disciplined way at least 5 times a week. Within a few weeks, you will notice significant results.