7 Effective Tips for Personal Development to Grow!

Personal development is important for anyone who wants to make progress and keep growing. Whether you want to get a promotion, learn to be smarter about money and achieve financial freedom. Through personal development, you will make more progress, and thus increase your chances of success. Yet, sometimes it can feel like a burden to continuously improve yourself.

So, what are effective tips for personal development? (while keeping it fun!)

In this article, I will provide valuable tips for personal development. Choose the ones you feel most comfortable with because developing yourself is easier when you are having fun.


7 ways to develop yourself

  1. Being extremely eager to learn
  2. Know yourself, find meaning and purpose in life
  3. The great value of mentoring for personal developmen
  4. Trade shows, networking, and online webinars
  5. Make sure the environment facilitates your self-development instead of hindering it
  6. Take a study or course
  7. Devour knowledge books as if it were your evening meal

7 Tips for personal development and growth

There are several ways to develop yourself. The following tips I find very valuable for personal development. I apply most of these on a daily basis, and I notice that I grow very quickly by doing so. In addition, I strongly believe in daring. Dare to open up, dare to learn. There is really no shame in not knowing something. Not even at work. In fact, people often appreciate it when you ask them for help and when you make effort in understanding them. And the huge advantage of this is that you learn an enormous amount and thus develop at a tremendously fast pace.

Below you can read the 7 ways to develop yourself.

However, please note that to develop yourself effectively you will need to have an idea of the goal. What is it that you want to achieve? How do you want to engage in self-development? If you have trouble setting effective goals, you should read this article about how to set goals.

Tips for personal development 1. Being extremely eager to learn

My personal favorite method for personal development that I firmly believe in, is being extremely eager to learn. You’ve probably come across it on a resume before: someone says they are eager to learn.

But when are you eager to learn?

The fact that you are reading this article is already a positive signal. However, if you want to develop yourself really fast then you will have to go next level. And you do that by being extremely eager to learn.

What I mean by being extremely eager to learn is by always looking for the essence and understanding. You have to open yourself completely by not assuming that you know something 100% sure when it comes to more complex issues. You do this by remaining open-minded, and by asking many questions.

You should ask to understand. In other words, you are going to investigate the issue. And that is a different approach than asking questions to confirm your own beliefs. Or even not asking questions at all!

In short, ask open questions like the how and why and keep learning continuously. Some examples of good open questions are: How did this happen? Why do you think so? How do you know this? Can you help me understand how this works?

In addition to being extremely studious by getting to the bottom of things and understanding, you can also be disciplined in your learning for even greater effect. By the latter, I mean that you consistently try to learn new things every day. In doing so, you set yourself the goal of learning new things every day. You can do this by, for example, planning one of the following ways of personal development on a daily basis.

Reserve time for self-development. And eventually, it will become a behavior. Just the same as if you develop yourself for smart money behavior.

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Tips for personal development 2. Know yourself, find meaning and purpose in life

An excellent way to develop yourself is by self-reflection. After all, how can you really develop yourself if you do not know yourself well? For instance, what do you really want in life? Or, what are your strengths and weaknesses?

Speaking of strengths and weaknesses: my advice is to develop the less strong points to an acceptable or “sufficient” level, but more importantly, is to have full focus on developing your strengths. Because it is your qualities, the things you are really good at, that make you unique. And anyone who is unique can be very valuable.

Besides, you can delegate or outsource lesser qualities… That is teamwork!

Another important point in self-reflection is to ask yourself what is the purpose and meaning (of life). What do you want to achieve? What are you passionate about, and what gives you energy?

Personal development must be effective. And you can only be effective if you know what your purpose is. Wouldn’t it be very useful to work on the goals that especially benefit you? The goals you like to work on, where you get energy and passion? Often that is where your strength lies. That is only real meaning to life. A good start to find out is to ask yourself the following question: What if I die, what do I want people to remember me by? In other words, what is your purpose in life?

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Tips for personal development 3. The great value of mentoring

Mentoring is a very good way to develop yourself. One of the biggest benefits you get from a good mentor is a safe, confidential learning environment. When you feel safe and at ease, you dare to open yourself up allowing you to learn more. Besides that, mentoring has a lot of benefits. In another article, I tell you all about mentoring. So in that article, you can read about the benefits, how to find a good mentor, the qualities of a good mentor, and also how to get the most out of mentoring regarding personal development.

Read my article on the many benefits of mentoring for self-development here.

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Tips for personal development 4. Trade shows, networking, and online webinars

Another tip for personal development is to attend trade shows, networking events and/or online webinars. By attending trade shows and other networking events, you will speak to many different people. By getting in touch with smart people from different backgrounds, you can learn a tremendous amount. Moreover, building a network is very crucial. Point of fact, people are emotional creatures, and if people have to choose, they usually choose the familiar. In terms of persons, this means that you first look around in your environment to collaborate with someone you know, for example, or someone you like. For example, are you looking for a new person for your company? Then you are biased in advance if you let someone apply who you know well and like. It just so happens that our brains are not always so rational. Take advantage of this: by knowing (or getting to know) many people you simply get more knowledge and more opportunities.

In online webinars, you will not talk to many other people, but you can learn a lot about a certain topic. By following several webinars you can easily and quickly develop yourself in the interest of the goal you want to achieve.

Tips for personal development 5. Make sure the environment facilitates your self-development instead of hindering it.

To develop yourself it is important that you find yourself in an environment that challenges you to grow. You do have an influence on this. Thus, create an environment that facilitates learning. Think of materials, but also of people. Make conscious choices about who you hang out with: do you hang out with people who challenge you, or with people who bring you down? A few helpful tips to illustrate this can be found below:

Make sure you have a supply of books at home.

Set up a small workroom where there are only learning materials, and keep your phone and other distractions out of this room.

Invest time in people who invest in you as well.

Form a discussion group with intelligent people who, like you, are passionate about a particular topic. You can sit down with this group once a week or a month, to talk about new insights related to that topic.

Tips for personal development 6. Take a study or course

There can be different reasons as to why you want to develop yourself. This could be because you want to, or because you want to gain an advantage from it. Think about getting a higher income, a promotion, or whatever. If you wish to gain that kind of advantage, then it is advisable to develop yourself by taking a certified study or course. As crooked as it may be, a certified piece of paper has (usually) more value to a company than a non-certified piece of paper.

Now, there are some advantages to taking a course of study at a university, for example. Consider not only the piece of paper, but also the group projects, learning to work with others, access to the library, and having a fun learning time. It’s never too late to develop yourself through a degree program, and it has become more accessible than ever with good agencies.

Tips for personal development 7. Devour knowledge books as if it were your evening meal

Acquiring knowledge is very important for self-development. Reading knowledge books certainly contributes to this. Because by acquiring as much knowledge as possible, you will gain new insights. Eventually, you will literally become more intelligent, and that has many advantages.

For example, did you know that by reading a lot, your brain is trained? By reading a lot of knowledge books, and thinking about them, you can actually grow certain parts of your brain For example, there was a well-known study done on this among cab drivers from London. A 5-year study on the brain capacity of cab drivers found that their brains have grown larger thanks to training. The conclusion is that their memory area inside the brain is larger than average. This is a direct result of intensive navigation training.

And so it goes for everything: spend your time wisely by working on yourself. Sport regularly (both strength and condition), read a lot, research something if you do not understand it, and so on. And help yourself by adjusting your environment accordingly. So get fitness equipment at home, buy books and sell your television. Give yourself a hand, but the basis starts with wanting. Do you really want to develop yourself? The above personal development tips can help you.