10x Make Money Online With Ideas That Really Work (2021)

Dear Happy Investor, making money online is by far the most popular way to earn income in 2021. And for good reasons, because making money online has many advantages and it is definitely still possible. Yes, even now when online shops are falling from the sky. This is an important fact, however, because with increasing competition, earning an online income does become more difficult. Therefore it is necessary to start with the right idea(s). 10 Ideas for making money online that actually work. So that’s what this article is all about. But not only that, I will also give you tips about online earning models that don’t work anymore.

Let’s start with some tips first, before we move on to the best ideas for making a living online.


Tips for earning income online
Full-time vs. side hustle for making money online
Ideas for making money online

  1. Online Community
  2. Specialized Webshop
  3. Youtube & Blogging
  4. Social Media Agency
  5. Fill out online questionnaires for money
  6. Developing Websites vs. Building Websites
  7. Online bookkeeping
  8. Paying out Online Loans for Yield
  9. Make money online very simple: invest your money!
  10. Real Estate Funds

Conclusion and tips about making money online

Tips for earning income online

Earning an income online doesn’t just happen overnight. Starting an online business is the same as starting a physical store. In the beginning, you will have to work very hard before you can reap the benefits. And the better (read: more strategic) you do this, the greater the chance that you will make a lot of money in the early stages. However, this requires a few tips that you can take into consideration. Before you move on to the ideas, go through the tips first. Because these tips are the foundation for earning an online income.

Stop working so hard. Start investing. Let money work for you!

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Full-time vs. side hustle for making money online

The first question you can ask yourself is how ambitious you are. Do you want to make a living with your online business, or do you already have a (nice) full-time job and want to start a small business for yourself on the side? The latter is also called a side hustle. It is a small business next to your full-time job, something you can often start without a Chamber of Commerce number. Of course, it depends on your ambition and goals whether you start working full time or part-time with online money making. For example, it can be tactical to start as a side hustle first. This ensures that you don’t have the pressure of having to make money with your online business, with the advantage that you can keep the focus on quality. Ultimately, quality (what generates value) is the basis for success.

If you have a really good revenue model, then the choice of making money online full-time may be wiser. But if you want to take a little less risk, you can start a small business next to your regular job. Often these side hustles grow into a serious business. Anyway, building multiple income streams is wise. This makes you more financially independent from your status as an employee (note: I often tend to use the word “wage slave” 😉 ). Whether or not it then grows into a full-time job doesn’t really matter. You are guaranteed to make more money through it and besides, a side hustle is also very educational and offers more meaning and passion in life.

Passion, Purpose, and Vision

Life needs meaning. A purpose. This ensures that you have a reason to live. Your reason to exist, as it were. The same applies to a business: it needs a reason to exist. If you want to lay a good foundation for building higher income, your business will need a WHY. The WHY comes from Simon Sinek and his golden circle. You can pick up his thoughts through the video below.

Having a WHY is fundamental to your success, both personally and professionally. The WHY can be shaped by passion, purpose and vision. And this is necessary, because a good WHY touches people in the heart. And people are simply emotional beings. So this attracts a certain group of people who have the same life convictions as you. And that is really the basis of a group of very loyal fans (not customers, but fans) who grow your business through fanatical word-of-mouth. So start by defining a strong WHY. Ask yourself what the deeper reason is for choosing a particular idea that will help you make money online. Note that making money is not a WHY, but a result of the WHY. Choose a WHY that aligns with what you 100% believe in, what you are truly passionate about, and what you are also very good at.

Taking myself as an example, I have a clear passion, purpose and vision. For example, my vision is that anyone can achieve financial independence. I write about that to help people, because you too can become financially independent if you really want to. Thanks to my clear WHY, I can deliver a lot of value to people who think the same as me. And who also would like to achieve the same. And that’s very good, because delivering value to your customers is by far the most important thing you need to do as an entrepreneur for long-term success.

Delivering value to the right target group

Delivering value is crucial for anyone who wants to make money. Whether that’s in employment or in making money online. Especially for (online) entrepreneurs, delivering value is even more important. After all, anyone can start an internet business these days. So why should potential customers choose you, and not someone else who offers the same?

I could write books about delivering value as a business. Fortunately, there are already some. I’m not going to go too deep into that now, but I will give you some tips. For example, you should think carefully about the 3 P’s (to start). These are Product, Process and People. In the online world with its mega competition, it is mainly the product that is important in the startup phase. Make sure you are truly distinctive/unique. And start small: choose a specific niche in which you want to offer the highest quality products and services to a specific target group. If you continuously ask yourself why people should buy from you and not from others who offer the same, you will stay on the right track.

Focus and Direction by setting clear goals

A crucial tip for building online income is focus and direction. You get this by setting clear goals, as well as having a strong vision. This is important because actions are a result of your thoughts. What the brain thinks about, action will flow from. You can only do one thing at a time (leaving aside the multi-taskers). This already starts with setting priorities. How badly do you want to start an online business and make money with it? If you are eager to do this, you will need to plan time for it. But even if you do, you still need a specific focus. Instead of starting a website and a webshop right away, focus on one of the two. And even if you have already made the choice for one specific business model, you will still need to focus on what really adds value.

A good example of the latter I can indicate with the term Queen Bee Role from the book The Clockwork Effect. This term stands for the most important role within the company, namely the queen bee. Her primary task is to lay eggs, nothing more and nothing less. She outsources the rest (other bees build the nest, or gather food). So it will be with you too. If you, for example, start your own YouTube channel (just as an example), then there is only one primary task that ensures growth: making videos. Everything around it is an afterthought. Focus on the primary task that will make your online business grow! If you want to know more and learn how to achieve all your goals, don’t miss my article about how to achieve goals.

Happy Investors Recommendation: Higher Return and Lower Risk? Tip: Asymmetrical Investing!

What if you could get higher stock returns while having less risk. Sounds too good to be true? It’s not if you know how to start with asymmetric investing. These are investments where the potential gain is greater than the potential loss. The only way for asymmetric investing is if you have a lot of knowledge and experience. This is for advanced professionals and is also used in the largest mutual funds with a minimum deposit of millions.

I’m not an expert in asymmetric investing, but I do know a very good party named Capitalist Exploits which I highly recommend. I’ve joined their Membership one year ago and it brings a lot of value for unique investment opportunities with commodities. I’m talking about +300% gains on Uranium, Copper, Agriculture, and 60+ buying opportunities. The Membership brought me a significant return on investment! These are true professionals. In addition, they also have a free newsletter where they share masterful tips and research on asymmetric investing with us once a week.

Want more information? read my full Capitalist Exploits Review and Experiences

Ideas for making money online

There are many ways for making money online. Below you will find ideas that actually work. I will spare you the nonsensical tips. Precisely with the ideas and tips below you can generate serious income through your own online business or online investment. For each idea, I will briefly illustrate what you can do to make it a success. And will also give you tips on what not to do, to let you avoid mistakes and losses.

Tip: the best ideas for making money online are found last. Simply because this is where you have to make the least effort.

1. Online Community

Building an online community is one of the most powerful new online business models today. It is so powerful precisely because people are social beings in need of a personal identity. As the world becomes increasingly individualistic, thanks in part to online technologies, more and more people are joining online communities. After all, an online community is a way for people to identify with it and thereby confirm their own identity. For entrepreneurs, there are opportunities here by building an online community. This can take many forms, such as a website, a forum, a Facebook group, and so on.

Tips for making money online with online community:

  • Create an online community for something that doesn’t exist yet. For example, what are you really a fan of?
  • Create an initial test to determine if there is a demand for it
  • When the community gets bigger and bigger, apply smart ads to generate money

2. Specialized Webshop

Not long ago drop shipment was one of the good ideas for passive income. In itself, this still works very well for those who manage to beat the competition. But that is precisely what is so difficult because the Internet is getting fuller and fuller. That’s why it’s better to specialize yourself. Specializing not only ensures that you have a clear focus and direction, but also that you can add much more value for your target audience. Because this target group is looking for special products within the niche that you choose. In this way you are truly unique, and you can realize much higher profit margins compared to domains where there is a lot of competition.

So, how do you make money online with a specialized webshop? I wrote a special article for that on how to make money with a website. Basically, it’s no different for a webshop. You will have to start with a clear target group in a specific niche. And for that you need special, high-quality products. One of the new ways to do this is by finding companies in Asia that can make custom-made products for you. In this way it also becomes easy to create your own brand. Which will allow you to make extra profits thanks to Brand Value.

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3. Youtube & Blogging

Earning money online thanks to Youtube or Blogging is still possible! It is still common for famous Youtube users to grow from 0 to 500.000 subscribers within three years. Youtube and Blogging are all about the quality you deliver, but also about search engine optimization. If you want to know more about making money online with Youtube or Blogging you can click on the links above. These are my own knowledge articles where you can learn step by step how to start your own Youtube business.

4. Social Media Agency

Social media is totally in! And not surprisingly so. Take for example Instagram. A beautiful, sporty woman can get thousands of visitors in no time, and earn a lot of money with it. Someone with 50,000 followers can easily earn 200 to 500 euros per Insta post. Not to mention all the free products they (may) receive. Very cool of course, but what use is this to you if you have no desire to become a Social Media star yourself?

Many women and men dream of making easy money as a Social Media star. You can make use of this. Namely by starting your own Social Media Agency. In fact what you need to do to become successful in this is to first learn how Social Media works and how you can grow in this (number of followers). Once you know this, you can add value for both beginners and advanced Social Media stars by growing their account in amount of followers. This is how you add value. But in return, you also ask if you can handle their commercial side. An example of this is LinkPizza. Sign up their accounts on this, and you can pitch on campaigns from companies offering money for Social Media posts.

The above is a relatively easy way to make money, but not that easy. This is because you need a network and also a track record/portfolio of Social Media Accounts that you have made it big. But once you’ve made a name for yourself, you really walk in the door. Moreover, you can also apply this tactic to companies, who want to outsource their Social Media.

5. Fill out online questionnaires for money

Not all ideas are good. One example is filling out online surveys in exchange for money or credits. For example, in an extensive article on survey filling, I explain why it is a hopeless activity for those who are serious about making money. If you want to know why, read the article. If not, let’s quickly move on to the other ideas that do work.

6. Developing Websites vs. Building Websites

For years website development through coding was very popular. But nowadays developing websites, for example as a web developer, is outdated. There is too much competition and there are platforms where entrepreneurs can get ready-made websites for cheap prices. You can only distinguish yourself by creating highly specialized websites, but that requires specialized knowledge.

A better idea is to focus on building other people’s websites. Think about setting up the websites on a commercial level. This involves, for example, the texts through good copywriting and SEO knowledge. But also a piece of marketing by creating powerful visual presentations (images, videos, etc.), email marketing and PR. A final tip that can help you cash in a lot online is to set up sales & landing pages for companies. For a good landing page companies easily pay between 250 and 1000 euros, while such a landing page is created in a weekend.

7. Online bookkeeping

Online bookkeeping is still a pretty effective way to make a lot of money in a short period of time in the online world. However, it is becoming increasingly obsolete and I must confess that I have no experience with it myself. But if you are good with numbers, you can definitely start an interesting business through online accounting. I base this mainly on the fact that there are more and more entrepreneurs, not only physical but also online. Think of webshops. These are mainly younger people (between 20-30 years), who have no knowledge of accounting and therefore want to outsource. But also SME’s see it as a business activity to outsource. As an online bookkeeper, you can make excellent money, whether you do this alongside your job or as a full-time business. An average hourly rate of up to 100 euros is no exception.

8. Paying out Online Loans for Yield.

The simplest way to make money online is to invest. This is the principle of money makes money, as I’m sure you’ve heard it before. This is also how people get rich. Those who make money work for them will become rich. Those who continue to work for money can also become rich, but they have to work a little harder 😉 .

One of the emerging popular ways to make more money over the Internet is through P2P lending. P2P stands for Peer-2-Peer and involves providing loans to other individuals (peers). The principle is that you lend your money to someone else online. This can be someone in the Netherlands, but also abroad. Now I understand that this does not sound very safe, because that is how I thought about it myself. Yet there are reliable platforms to be found, think of Mintos. But beware: P2P investing is extremely risky which means you can also lose your money!

9. Make money online very simple: invest your money!

Without a doubt one of the two easiest and fastest ways to make money online is by investing. Creating an investment account is done in 10 minutes. Then you transfer the money, and you can invest it. This can be in stocks, dividend stocks, ETFs, Index funds or more complex financial structures. The latter I strongly advise against if you are not knowledgeable. In fact, unless you are really well versed in the stock market, as well as how investing works, I do not recommend investing in individual companies. Instead, you are better off investing in Index funds or ETFs, where the risk is spread out and you have minimal risk. You can learn how all this works, and how to have the least risk, in this informative article on investing money without risk. Click on the link to learn how to make money online quickly and easily.

Let Money Work for You! Starting on the best investment platforms is half the battle

Are you still working hard for your money? Why don’t you consider letting the money work for you! Create passive income and attain financial freedom. Starting on the best investment platforms is half the battle. Do you want to know what the very best investment platforms are? Then click on the blue link to compare the best investment platforms now. Here you can read my independent comparison of the best online brokers for stocks, crypto, and P2P. Save money and choose the best investment platform!

10. Real Estate Funds

The second way to make money online easily and quickly is to invest in real estate funds. Real estate is a kind of security when it comes to investing. Getting rich with real estate is therefore a sustainable tactic. You do need some patience for it, though, because you don’t get rich overnight. But for those with patience, getting rich is fairly simple. At least, if you know how, but you can read that on my website with all the knowledge articles that you can read for free. For example, in one of these articles you can read about my own experiences investing in real estate funds. Real estate funds is one of my favorite investments. Precisely because in this way you can spread the money over many homes and properties. This reduces the risk significantly, and you have more certainty of positive returns of between 6 and 9 percent. You can read my favorite in this review about Synvest.

Conclusion and tips about making money online

In this article we started with some fundamental tips for making money online. These are important tips if you want to get serious. Then we looked at some ideas for making money online that actually work. My personal favorite is and always will be investing. The name of the website is called that for a reason. If you make the right choices with investing money, you can earn a lot of extra without having to work for it. Of course there is a risk, there always will be. But with the right choices and by spreading your money well, you can reduce this risk considerably. Of course you need money to invest, and the above ideas that you can build into your own online Internet business can help.

Remember that anything successful is a result of hard work and toil. Literally blood, sweat and tears. It doesn’t just happen overnight (unless you are extremely lucky). If you want a fun life with more financial freedom, you will have to fight for it. Invest your time, money and energy in the right things now. Then you will benefit from it for decades to come 😉 . I hope you enjoyed this article, and that you will read my other articles as well. You can also follow me through the newsletter with new articles, or follow me on Social Media. And be sure to leave a comment with what you think about making money online. That’s very informative!